MEGARA data reduction cookbook
This webpage is an updated version of the original cookbook (dated 07/07/2020), available in PDF format at this zenodo link. That document was prepared by África Castillo Morales, Sergio Pascual Ramírez and Armando Gil de Paz. As the aforementioned document has become slightly outdated over time, we have decided to move the documentation to this website that allows for easier updates. Nicolás Cardiel López has also joined this task.
We strongly recommend using the most up-to-date information available on this webpage.
- Introduction
- MEGARA Data Reduction Pipeline
- DRP installation
- Data description
- Data reduction
- Healing Defective Traces
- MEGARA Tools
- Downloading sample data
- Megaradrp.Visualization
- Megaradrp-Cube
- Extract spectrum: megaratools-extract_spectrum
- Extract elliptical apertures: megaratools-extract_rings
- Plot spectrum: megaratools-plot_spectrum
- Diffuse light determination: megaratools-diffuse_light
- Analysis of a 1D emission-line spectrum: megaratools-analyze_spectrum
- Analysis of a 2D RSS emission-line spectrum: megaratools-analyze_rss
- RSS arithmetics: megaratools-rss_arith
- Megaratools-hypercube
- Known ISSUES
- Acronyms