MOS example


All the commands are assumed to be executed in a terminal running the bash shell (or a compatible one).

Don’t forget to activate the same Python environment employed to install PyEmir. In this document, the prompt (emir) $ will indicate that this is the case.


It is assumed that the reader has already followed the previous section of this tutorial Simple example: arc exposure. Some of the concepts already introduced there are not going to be repeated here with the same level of detail (or even mentioned at all!).

Let’s consider the rectification and wavelength calibration of a MOS image with slitlets configured in a non-longslit pattern. In this case, the scientific observations are deep enough to allow the use of the airglow OH lines to produce a good wavelength calibration. This means that no arc exposures are needed!

Downloading the tutorial data

Download the following file: pyemir_mos_tutorial_v1b.tgz.

If you find any trouble trying to download the previous file, try with the command line:

(emir) $ curl -O <

Move to the directory where you have deployed the initial file tree structure containing the basic PyEmir calibration files (see Initial file tree).

Decompress there the previously mentioned tgz file:

(emir) $ tar zxvf pyemir_mos_tutorial_v1b.tgz
(emir) $ rm pyemir_mos_tutorial_v1b.tgz

This action should have populated the file tree with 24 science exposures (placed wihtin the data subdirectory) and some additional auxiliary files:

(emir) $ tree

You can easily examine the header of the 12 science files using the astropy utility fitsheader:

(emir) $ fitsheader data/0002004* -k object -k grism -k filter -k exptime -k date-obs -f
                    filename                         OBJECT    GRISM FILTER  EXPTIME          DATE-OBS
------------------------------------------------ ------------- ----- ------ ---------- ----------------------
data/0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T00:40:52.36
data/0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T00:46:58.26
data/0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T00:53:02.05
data/0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T00:59:09.00
data/0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:05:30.72
data/0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:11:37.67
data/0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:17:41.46
data/0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:23:49.46
data/0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:30:12.23
data/0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:36:20.24
data/0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:42:24.03
data/0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:48:32.03
data/0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T01:54:54.80
data/0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:01:02.81
data/0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:07:06.59
data/0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:13:14.60
data/0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:19:37.37
data/0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:25:45.38
data/0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:31:49.16
data/0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:37:57.17
data/0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:44:19.93
data/0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:50:27.94
data/0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T02:56:31.73
data/0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits goya_mask1a_J     J      J 359.986465 2019-04-25T03:02:40.79

It is also useful to display additional FITS keywords that store relevant information concerning the observation strategy:

(emir) $ fitsheader data/0002004*fits -k OBSBLOCK -k NIMGOBBL -k IMGOBBL -k NFRSEC -k FRSEC -k READMODE -f
                 filename                     OBSBLOCK NIMGOBBL IMGOBBL NFRSEC FRSEC READMODE
------------------------------------------------ -------- -------- ------- ------ ----- --------
data/0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        1        4       1     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        1        4       2     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        1        4       3     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        1        4       4     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        2        4       1     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        2        4       2     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        2        4       3     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        2        4       4     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        3        4       1     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        3        4       2     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        3        4       3     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        3        4       4     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        4        4       1     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        4        4       2     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        4        4       3     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        4        4       4     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        5        4       1     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        5        4       2     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        5        4       3     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        5        4       4     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        6        4       1     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        6        4       2     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        6        4       3     28     0     RAMP
data/0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits        6        4       4     28     0     RAMP

The last summary shows that:

  • OBSBLOCK: (counter of the block sequence) runs from 1 to 6

  • NIMGOBBL=4 (requested number of images per observing block): each block correspond to a typical ABBA dithering pattern along the slit.

  • IMGOBBL (counter of the image sequence) runs from 1 to 4 within each block.

  • NFRSEC=28 (frames produced per detector exposure): note that READMODE=RAMP, so 28 reads are performed in each exposure. Note that these frames are what GTC calls raw frames: each one of them corresponds to a single read in the ramp. These files are provided by GTC with the suffix *_raw.fits. The images we are reducing here are the result of the fit of ramps to the collection of 28 reads (in each detector pixel). In this tutorial we are using the adjective raw to refer to the latter FITS images resulting from the ramp fitting process.

  • FRSEC=0 (counter of the frame sequence): in this case, a value of 0 indicates that the FITS image is the result of the ramp fitting process. In the individual FITS images *_raw.fits (not provided), corresponding to each detector read, this keyword runs from 1 to 28.

In summary, the 24 science images provided correspond to 6 ABBA blocks. Have a look to any of these images. For that purpose you can use ds9 or the visualization tool provided with numina:

(emir) $ numina-ximshow data/0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
Image 0002004226 raw

The CSU configuration

It is clear from the previous figure that the EMIR slitlets were not configured in longslit mode, but in MOS mode. In addition, it is important to highlight that not all the slitlets were opened (i.e., the slits not assigned to a particular scientific target were closed in order to avoid spurious spectra in the image; note that even for the closed slitlets the corresponding CSU bars are not completely closed to avoid collisions)

The slitlet configuration can be easily displayed with the help of the auxiliary PyEmir script pyemir-display_slitlet_arrangement (please, note the use in this case of the additional parameter --n_clusters 2):

(emir) $ pyemir-display_slitlet_arrangement \
  data/0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits \
  --n_clusters 2 --longslits
---> separator:   1.475
Image 0002004226 csu configuration

The first figure displays the slitlet arrangement.

Image 0002004226 slitlet widths

Note that in this case we have employed the parameter --n_clusters 2, that forces the script to display a histogram of slitlet widths, and to compute two clusters and a separating value (in this case 1.475 mm) which classifies the slitlets in two groups: slitlets closed (widths < 1.475 mm) and opened (width > 1.475 mm). This number will be used later.

Preliminary rectification and wavelength calibration using OH lines


The wavelength calibration performed using OH lines makes use of the vacuum wavelengths published by Oliva et al. (2013).

As explained in Simple example: arc exposure, the rectification and wavelength calibration of any EMIR spectroscopic image can be obtained with two levels of quality:

  • preliminary calibration: without auxiliary calibration images, computed from the empirical calibration derived by the instrument team.

  • refined calibration: that refines the empirical calibration by making use of either additional calibration images (i.e., arcs) or by using the airglow (OH) emission lines. The latter approach is going to be used in this example.

The refinement process requires an initial estimation of the offsets in the spatial (Y axis) and spectral (X axis) directions between the empirical calibration and the actual data. These two offsets can be easily estimated after computing the preliminary calibration.

At this point we are going to describe a new auxiliary script pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba (not available in previous PyEmir versions) which helps to create the observation result files required to execute the reduction recipes. This is an excellent alternative to the manual edition and writing of this kind of files.

Before using the auxiliary script, one needs to generate a simple text file, arbitrarily named list_abba.txt, with the list of scientific images (note that the list of files is generated within the data subdirectory to avoid having the subdirectory name in front of the file name):

(emir) $ cd data

(emir) $ ls 0002004*fits > list_abba.txt

(emir) $ cat list_abba.txt


(emir) $ cd ..

Generate the observation result file to perform a preliminary rectification and wavelength calibration:

(emir) $ pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba data/list_abba.txt \
  --step 0 --npreliminary 4 --outfile 0_rectwv_preliminary.yaml

Expected sequence pattern: ABBA
Number of sequences......: 6
Full set of images.......: ABBAABBAABBAABBAABBAABBA
--> File 0_rectwv_preliminary.yaml generated!

Note that the first argument after the name of the script in the text file containing the list of scientific images. The rest of the arguments are:

  • --step 0: this number indicates the kind of observation result file that is going to be generated. The different options are 0 (initial rectification and wavelength calibration), 1 (refined rectificacion and wavelength calibration), 2 (fast reduction of ABBA observations), and 3 (careful reduction of ABBA observations). At this point we are interested in the initial calibration. The other options are going to be described later.

  • --npreliminary 4: although we have a total of 24 scientific images the initial rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients will be computed for the combined result of the first 4 images (i.e., the first ABBA sequence). We could use the 24 images in the combination but, since it is possible that the images exhibit small offsets as a function of time, it is safer to use a smaller bunch of files. The OH lines in these images are bright enough to provide a good wavelength calibration even in a single exposure.

  • --outfile 0_rectwv_preliminary.yaml: indicates the name chosen for the observation result file. This file (shown below) has a single block making use of the reduction recipe GENERATE_RECTWV_COEFF:

    1id: _0002004226_rectwv_preliminary
    2instrument: EMIR
    5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
    6 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
    7 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
    8 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
    9enabled: True

At this point, the preliminary rectification and wavelength calibration can be carried out:

(emir) numina run 0_rectwv_preliminary.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

As expected, two new subdirectories have been created:

  • obsid_0002004226_rectwv_preliminary_results

  • obsid_0002004226_rectwv_preliminary_work

(emir) $ numina-ximshow \
Image 0002004226 preliminary

Refined rectification and wavelength calibration

Although the rectified and wavelength calibration image that we have just obtained appears to be fine, looking in detail it is possible to realize that both the absolute and relative wavelength calibration between slitlets are still not perfect, and that there exists a small offset between the expected and the observed slitlet frontiers. Fortunately, both problems can be easily solved.

Two approaches are possible:

  1. Manual determination of X and Y offsets: We can proceed following the same process previously described in Simple example: arc exposure.

  2. Automatic determination of X and Y offsets: The fact that the scientific images correspond to a real MOS observation, and not a longslit observation performed by alignining the slitlets, facilitates the use of 2D cross-correlation to estimate the offsets between the expected and the observed image distortions. Note that if the slitlets are aligned to simulate a longslit, the cross-correlation in the vertical direction is unable to determine the vertical offset.

In this tutorial we are describing both approaches.

Manual determination of X and Y offsets


As described in Simple example: arc exposure, the task of visually finding the offsets can be performed with either the auxiliary PyEmir script pyemir-overplot_boundary_model, or by using ds9 with the auxiliary ds9-region files created during the preliminary rectification and wavelength calibration reduction. In the following two subsections we are using the latter option.

Checking the spatial direction (Y axis)

The offset in the spatial direction (Y axis) can be estimated by plotting the expected slitlet frontiers (file ds9_frontiers_rawimage.reg placed within the subdirectory obsid_0002004226_rectwv_preliminary_work), derived in the preliminary rectification and wavelength calibration, over the raw image:

(emir) $ ds9 data/0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits &
  • select scale --> zscale

  • select region --> load --> obsid_0002004226_rectwv_preliminary_work/ds9_frontiers_rawimage.reg

Image 0002004226 overplot 1


Image 0002004226 overplot 2

From this visual examination one concludes that global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3. Note that the sign of the offset is chosen to align the actual data with the predicted frontiers (displayed with dotted blue lines).

Checking the wavelength direction (X axis)


The refinement process here described is based on the use of airglow (OH) emission lines in the science frames. This assumes that airglow emission is much brighter than the target spectra. If this is not the case (for example when observing bright sources with short exposure times), the user should employ calibration arc images obtained before and/or after the science images. The refinement process should then be carried out as described in Simple example: arc exposure.

Continuing with the same ds9 interface, overplot the expected location of the airglow (OH) emission lines:

  • select region --> load --> obsid_0002004226_rectwv_preliminary_work/ds9_oh_rawimage.reg

Image 0002004226 overplot 3

Note that the location of only the brightest OH lines are displayed. The visual examination reveals that in this case global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1. Note that the sign of the offset is chosen to place the observed OH lines on the predicted locations (displayed in cyan and magenta for the odd- and even-numbered slitlets, respectively).

Improving the rectification and wavelength calibration

We are ready to obtain the refined rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients using the integer offsets previously estimated. For that purpose it is advisable to make use of the same auxiliary script that we used before:

(emir) $ pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba data/list_abba.txt \
  --step 1 \
  --refine_wavecalib_mode 12 \
  --minimum_slitlet_width_mm 1.475 \
  --maximum_slitlet_width_mm 3.0 \
  --global_integer_offset_x_pix 1 \
  --global_integer_offset_y_pix -3 \
  --rectwv_combined \
  --outfile 1_rectwv_combined.yaml

Expected sequence pattern: ABBA
Number of sequences......: 6
Full set of images.......: ABBAABBAABBAABBAABBAABBA
--> File 1_rectwv_combined.yaml generated!

Note that in this case the following arguments have been used:

  • --step 1: this indicates that the reduction recipe GENERATE_RECTWV_COEFF must carry out a refined estimation of the rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients.

  • --refine_wavecalib_mode 12: this indicates that the image corresponds to a science exposure, deep enough to detect OH sky lines, and that we are asking for a refinement of the wavelength calibration using that information. Note that if we were using an arc image, this parameter should be set to 2 instead of 12 (as described in Simple example: arc exposure).

  • --minimum_slitlet_width_mm 1.475 and --maximum_slitlet_width_mm 3.0: minimum and maximum slitlet widths (mm) for a slitlet to be considered as a scientific slitlet. Note that these numbers are compatible with the histogram of slitlet widths that we have obtained previously using pyemir-display_slitlet_arrangement with the parameter --n_clusters 2. Only the slitlets which width was set within the specified range will be employed to derive a median sky spectrum (needed for the cross-correlation algorithm that is taking place during the refinement process). This allows to skip unused slitlets which could introduce noise in the cross-correlation method employed in the wavelength direction.

  • --global_integer_offset_x_pix 1 and --global_integer_offset_y_pix -3: these are the offsets between the raw images and the expected empirical calibration, estimated as previously described.

  • --rectwv_combined is just a flag (i.e. it is present or not, but has no associated value). This flag is very important: when present it indicates that all the images will be combined in a single image before computing the refined rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients. This implies that the calibration coefficients file rectwv_coeff.json will be the same for all the images. When the are offsets in the location of the OH lines (X direction) or in the location of the slitlet frontiers (Y direction), this flat must not be present. In this latter scenario, an individual rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients file rectwv_coeff.json will be generated for each individual image.

  • --outfile 1_rectwv_combined.yaml indicates the name chosen for the observation result file. This file (shown below) has a single block making use of the reduction recipe GENERATE_RECTWV_COEFF:

 1id: _0002004226_rectwv_combined
 2instrument: EMIR
 5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 6 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 7 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 8 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 9 - 0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
10 - 0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
11 - 0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
12 - 0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
13 - 0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
14 - 0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
15 - 0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
16 - 0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
17 - 0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
18 - 0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
19 - 0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
20 - 0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
21 - 0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
22 - 0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
23 - 0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
24 - 0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
25 - 0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
26 - 0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
27 - 0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
28 - 0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
30  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
31  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
32  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
33  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
34  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
35enabled: True

This file contains a single block with the 12 images. The requirements section appears with the parameters employed when invoking the script pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba.

Execute the reduction recipe:

(emir) $ numina run 1_rectwv_combined.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

As expected, two new subdirectories have been created:

  • obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_work: temporary subdirectory where all the relevant files have been copied (or linked), and where the auxiliary ds9 region lines have been stored.

  • obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_results: subdirectory where the results of the recipe are saved. In this case:

    (emir) $ tree obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_results/
    ├── processing.log
    ├── rectwv_coeff.json
    ├── reduced_mos.fits
    ├── result.json
    └── task.json

    The interesting files here are rectwv_coeff.json, containing the refined rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients, and reduced_mos.fits, which is the rectified and wavelength calibrated image corresponding to the combination of all the images listed under the keyword frames: (line 4) in the observation result file 1_rectwv_combined.yaml.


The refined rectification and wavelength calibration has been saved in the file rectwv_coeff.json stored in the obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_results subdirectory. This file can be applied, as described below, to any raw image (with the same CSU configuration).

The file rectwv_coeff.json is stored in JSON format, and contains all the relevant information necessary to carry out the rectification and wavelength calibration of any image.

Note: JSON is an open-standard file format that uses human readable text to transmit data objects (see details in JSON description).

We can have a look to the reduced image:

(emir) $ numina-ximshow obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_results/reduced_mos.fits
Image 0002004226 refined

Comparing this new result with the preliminary rectified and wavelength calibrated image shows that, apart from a global offset in the wavelength calibration, the OH lines are much more aligned when moving along the spatial direction:

Image 0002004226 comparison rectification and wavelength calibration

It is also possible to display the synthetic image, generated during the execution of the reduction recipe, with the expected location of the airglow (OH) lines (line intensities are normalized in the range from 0.0 to 1.0):

(emir) $ numina-ximshow obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_work/expected_catalog_lines.fits \
  --z1z2 -0.1,0.3

(Note: in mac OS under zshell you may need to use --z1z2 "[-0.1,0.3]")

Image 0002004226 expected oh lines

In the obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_work subdirectory you can also find a file named crosscorrelation.pdf which contains a graphical summary of the cross-correlation process in the wavelength direction for each useful slitlet. A few pages of that file are the following:

cross-correlation example 0 cross-correlation example 1 cross-correlation example 2 cross-correlation example 3

Summary: the final wavelength calibration applied to each slitlet differs from the preliminary wavelength calibration, and incorporates the two refinements displayed in the previous plots:

  • Refinement #1: global offset of each spectrum, computed using the crosscorrelation method.

  • Refinement #2: systematic offset with wavelength, displayed as the straight line fit (blue line) in the plot representing offset vs. wavelength. This is a second order correction but it should provide an unbiased absolute wavelength calibration in the whole wavelength range. The robust standard deviation is a good proxy for the expected standard deviation of the wavelength calibration, and it should be a fraction of CDELT1.

Automatic determination of X and Y offsets

As previously mentioned, the integer offsets in X and Y, that we have estimated before with some effort, can be automatically determined by PyEmir when the spectroscopic images correspond to MOS observations with the slitlets not following a longslit pattern.

In order to use this option, copy the previous observation result file and introduce the changes that are described next:

(emir) $ cp 1_rectwv_combined.yaml 1_rectwv_combined_auto.yaml

(emir) $ edit 1_rectwv_combined_auto.yaml
 1id: _0002004226_rectwv_combined_auto
 2instrument: EMIR
 5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 6 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 7 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 8 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 9 - 0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
10 - 0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
11 - 0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
12 - 0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
13 - 0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
14 - 0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
15 - 0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
16 - 0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
17 - 0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
18 - 0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
19 - 0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
20 - 0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
21 - 0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
22 - 0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
23 - 0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
24 - 0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
25 - 0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
26 - 0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
27 - 0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
28 - 0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
30  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
31  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
32  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
33  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 0
34  global_integer_offset_y_pix: 0
35  global_integer_offsets_mode: auto
36enabled: True

Changes in 1_rectwv_combined_auto.yaml in comparison with 1_rectwv_combined.yaml:

  • Line 1: the suffix _auto has been added to the block id

  • Lines 33 and 34: both integer global offsets have been set to 0 (they are going to be estimated automatically!)

  • Insert the new line 35, indicating global_integer_offsets_mode: auto. This is the important keyword here: we are indicating that the integer global offsets should be computed automatically. In this sense, the previous two keywords global_integer_offset_x_pix: and global_interger_offset_y_pix must have been set to zero (or you’ll get an error otherwise).

Execute the reduction recipe:

(emir) $ numina run 1_rectwv_combined_auto.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

The reduction now includes the generation of a synthetic image with the expected location of the OH lines. This image is stored in the obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_auto_work subdirectory with the name synthetic_raw_image.fits.

synthetic images with OH lines comparison between synthetic and original image

The automatic procedure has determined the following offset values:

  • global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1

  • global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3

These numbers are the same as the ones that we estimated previously. For that reason, the resulting refined rectification and wavelength calibrations coefficients are the same:

(emir) $ diff \
  obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_auto_results/rectwv_coeff.json \

<   "uuid": "1139443e-99db-11e9-b393-3c15c2e3dc50",
>   "uuid": "aca6d82e-99da-11e9-abf7-3c15c2e3dc50",
<     "creation_date": "2019-06-28T19:29:37.736426",
>     "creation_date": "2019-06-28T19:26:49.004673",

Note that the contents of both files are identical except for the unique uuid (that identifies each particular calibration) and the creation_date.

Fast ABBA combination

The reduction recipe `` ABBA_SPECTRA_FAST_RECTWV`` performs a fast ABBA combination since it employs a single rectification and wavelength calibration solution for all the individual images. For that reason, all the A images in the ABBA sequences can be combined before rectification and wavelength calibration. The same occurs with the B images. The resulting A minus B combination is then rectified and wavelength calibrated (i.e., the rectification and wavelength calibration process is carried out only once).

Note that this recipe assumes that the images listed in the file data/list_abba.txt follow an ABBA pattern.

(emir) $ pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba data/list_abba.txt \
  --step 2 --rectwv_combined --outfile 2_abba_fast.yaml

 Expected sequence pattern: ABBA
 Number of sequences......: 6
 Full set of images.......: ABBAABBAABBAABBAABBAABBA
 --> File 2_abba_fast.yaml generated!

The observation result file 2_abba_fast.yaml has the following content:

 1id: _abba_fast
 2instrument: EMIR
 5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 6 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 7 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 8 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 9 - 0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
10 - 0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
11 - 0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
12 - 0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
13 - 0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
14 - 0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
15 - 0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
16 - 0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
17 - 0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
18 - 0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
19 - 0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
20 - 0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
21 - 0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
22 - 0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
23 - 0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
24 - 0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
25 - 0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
26 - 0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
27 - 0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
28 - 0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
30  pattern: ABBA
31  repeat: 1
32  rectwv_coeff: ../obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_results/rectwv_coeff.json
33  method: sigmaclip
34  method_kwargs:
35    low: 3.0
36    high: 3.0
37  voffset_pix: 0.0
38enabled: True

The requirements section (lines 29-36) is now different:

  • pattern: indicates that the images in the frames sections correspond to ABBA sequences. That means that the total number of images must be an integer multiple of 4.

  • repeat: number of exposures at each position in the previous pattern. By default, a value of 1 is assumed. If, for example, repeat: 2, the actual observation pattern would be AABBBBAA.

  • rectwv_coeff: the value that appears here is the expected file name for the rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients of the first image. Since the calibrations are assumed to be placed within the data subdirectory, note that the path of this calibration starts with a ../ in order to indicate that the calibration is not in the default place but in the results subdirectory corresponding to the reduction of a particular image Another alternative is to copy that rectwv_json.file into the data subdirectory, in which case you do not need to include any path (note that in this case it is advisable to rename the json file to avoid name collisions with similar calibration files).

  • method: combination method. The three available possibilities are sigmaclip, mean and median.

  • method_kwargs: additional parameters that control the behavior of the combination method. These options are only available for the sigmaclip method, where the user can set the low and high rejection limits (in units of the standard deviation).

  • voffset_pix: indicates the offset (in pixels) between the A and B images. Leaving this number as zero means that no attempt to merge the A and B images is going to be performed.

(emir) $ numina run 2_abba_fast.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

Two results are produced by this recipe (see subdirectory obsid_abba_fast_results):

  • reduced_mos_abba.fits: computed as the sum of all the A images minus the sum of all the B images. This image should exhibit A spectra with positive signal (white) and B spectra with negative signal (black).

  • reduced_mos_abba_combined.fits: in this image the coadded A and B spectra are combined by multiplying the coadded B spectra in reduced_mos_abba.fits by minus one (in order to obtain spectra with positive signal), shifting the result along the spatial direction by voffset_pix pixels, and summing the coadded A spectra. When voffset_pix=0 this image is empty.

fast combination of ABBA images

Making a zoom in the resulting combined image, we estimate that the vertical offsets between A and B spectra (white and black, respectively) is around 38 pixels. We can introduce this number in the requirement voffset_pix:

(emir) $ cp 2_abba_fast.yaml 2_abba_fast_bis.yaml

(emir) $ edit 2_abba_fast_bis.yaml

We modify the label in line 1 (adding the suffix _bis), and set the vertical offset to 38 pixels in line 37:

 1id: _abba_fast_bis
 2instrument: EMIR
 5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 6 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 7 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 8 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 9 - 0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
10 - 0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
11 - 0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
12 - 0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
13 - 0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
14 - 0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
15 - 0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
16 - 0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
17 - 0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
18 - 0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
19 - 0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
20 - 0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
21 - 0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
22 - 0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
23 - 0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
24 - 0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
25 - 0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
26 - 0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
27 - 0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
28 - 0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
30  pattern: ABBA
31  repeat: 1
32  rectwv_coeff: ../obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_results/rectwv_coeff.json
33  method: sigmaclip
34  method_kwargs:
35    low: 3.0
36    high: 3.0
37  voffset_pix: 38
38enabled: True

Execute the again the same reduction recipe but using the new observation result file:

(emir) $ numina run 2_abba_fast_bis.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

Since we have provided a non-zero value for voffset_pix, the image reduced_mos_abba_combined.fits is not empty but contains the proper coaddition of all the A and B spectra. All the targets that have been properly observed in the A and the B images should appear here three times: two in negative (black spectra) and one in positive (white spectrum in between the black ones).

fast combination of ABBA images (A on top of B)


It is important to keep in mind how the signal in the combined images has been scaled:

  • reduced_mos_abba.fits: each target spectrum should appear twice: one in positive (white) and one in negative (black). The signal in both spectra must have a similar number of counts. Each spectrum has the signal corresponding to EXPTIME.

  • reduced_mos_abba_combined.fits: each target spectrum should appear three times: one in positive (white) and two in negative (black; at both sides of the positive spectrum). The signal in the white spectrum (which is the combination of the A and B spectra in the previous image reduced_mos_abba.fits) corresponds to EXPTIME. This means that the signal in each of the negative spectrum has been scaled to EXPTIME/2.

Careful ABBA combination

In the previous combination we have assumed that in all the A images the targets were in exactly the same location in the slitlets. The same was assumed for the B images.

However, it is possible to check whether this was actually the case by looking in detail at some bright sources. For example, in these observations, 4 stars were employed to align the CSU on sky. The brightest one was placed in slitlet number 2. Let’s select all the A images and display a zoom around this slitlet region:

(emir) $ fitsheader data/0002004*.fits -k IMGOBBL -f | awk '$2 == 1 || $2 == 4 {print $1}' > list_a.txt

(emir) $ numina-ximshow list_a.txt \
 --bbox 86,2047,9,70 \
 --z1z2 0,1100 \
 --pdffile brightspectrum_a.pdf \
 --keystitle ra,dec,rotang."RA: %s, DEC: %s, rotang: %5.2f"

The first command defines the list of images for which the keyword IMGOBBL is either 1 or 4 (A images). The second command generates a PDF file in which a zoom around slitlet number 2 is displayed for all the selected images.

variation of brightspectrum of A images

It is clear that the actual location of the A spectra changed along the sequence. Unfortunately, there were no bright spectra in the B images to check what was happening with the spectra in the B images (the stars in A images disappear when moving from A to B; this was done on purpose with the idea o maximizing the number of slitlets devoted to scientific targets). Note that here we are displaying the original FITS images, where the sky background is still present. Anyway, it is reasonable to think that similar shifts could have also occurred between the individual B images.

A careful combination method should take care of these offsets along the spatial direction before combining the individual images.

PyEmir tries to handle this problem with the reduction recipe ABBA_SPECTRA_RECTWV which in principle is able to:

  • compute relative offsets between A images before their combination

  • compute relative offsets between B images before their combination

  • compute relative offsets between the combined A images and the combined B images before generating the final combined image

In addition, this recipe can use the same rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients for all the individual images (as we have done previously) or different calibrations for each one.

Including relative offsets between A and B images

Since, as we have just seen, it is possible that there are offsets between the different A and B locations, a first thing one can fix is the proper alignment of all the A images before coadding them, and the same with the B images.

Without going into too many details, the recipe ABBA_SPECTRA_RECTWV computes an averaged spatial profile of a particular target (hopefully bright enough) in the all the A images, and the same for an object in the B images. Cross-correlating these spatial profiles it is possible to compute de relative offsets of all the A images relative to the first A image. The same process is carried out with the B images, using in this case the first B image as reference. Note that bright OH sky lines are masked before computing the spatial profiles.

When the object selected for the A and B images is the same, the recipe is also able to compute the relative offset between the combined A and the combined B images. However, sometimes the science targets are too faint to provide useful spatial profiles for the cross-correlation method to work properly, and the bright stars employed to align the slitlets on the sky are only present in the A images (in order to maximize the number of slitlets allocated to science targets). In the latter scenario, the relative offset between the combined A images and the combined B images cannot be automatically computed.

A template of observation result file making use of this recipe can be generated with the help of the auxiliary script pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba with the argument --step 3:

(emir) $ pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba data/list_abba.txt \
  --step 3 --rectwv_combined --outfile 3_abba_template.yaml

Expected sequence pattern: ABBA
Number of sequences......: 6
Full set of images.......: ABBAABBAABBAABBAABBAABBA
--> File 3_abba_template.yaml generated!

The observation result generated, 3_abba_template.yaml, has the following content:

 1id: _abba
 2instrument: EMIR
 5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 6 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 7 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 8 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 9 - 0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
10 - 0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
11 - 0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
12 - 0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
13 - 0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
14 - 0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
15 - 0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
16 - 0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
17 - 0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
18 - 0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
19 - 0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
20 - 0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
21 - 0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
22 - 0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
23 - 0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
24 - 0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
25 - 0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
26 - 0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
27 - 0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
28 - 0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
30  pattern: ABBA
31  repeat: 1
32  rectwv_coeff: ../obsid_0002004226_rectwv_combined_results/rectwv_coeff.json
33  method: sigmaclip
34  method_kwargs:
35    low: 3.0
36    high: 3.0
37  refine_target_along_slitlet:
38    npix_removed_near_ohlines: 3
39    nwidth_medfilt: 11
40    save_individual_images: 0
41    ab_different_target: TBD
42    vpix_region_a_target: [TBD, TBD]
43    vpix_region_a_sky: [TBD, TBD]
44    vpix_region_b_target: [TBD, TBD]
45    vpix_region_b_sky: [TBD, TBD]
46    list_valid_wvregions_a: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
47    list_valid_wvregions_b: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
48enabled: True

The id label (line 1) is again different (to avoid overwriting the previous reductions). The requirements section now contains a new subsection called refine_target_along_slitlet (lines 37-47), where specific parameters for the computation of the relative offsets between images appear. Some of them are predefined, but others need to be inserted by the user (in particular, all the To Be Defined TBD values):

  • npix_removed_near_ohlines: before computing the spatial profiles of the selected targets in the A and B images, the bright OH lines are masked. This parameter indicates the number of pixels (at each side of the expected location of the lines) that are masked. For grism J, H and K (high resolution), a reasonable number is 2 or 3. For grism LR (low resolution) this number should be 1 or even 0 (zero means that only the central pixel is masked), since the number of pixels between OH lines is not too large.

  • nwidth_medfilt: after masking the bright OH lines, a median filter is applied in the spectral direction with a size given by this parameter.

  • save_individual_images: a value of 0 indicates that some intermediate images (e.g. the individual shifted images after computing the relative offsets with respect to the first A or B images) do not need to be saved in the work subdirectory. This is useful to save disk space. Setting this parameter to 1 allows those images to be saved.

  • ab_different_target:

    • Setting this parameter to 0 means that the target chosen to determine the offsets within the A and within the B images is the same. In that case the recipe will automatically compute the relative offset between the A and B images using cross-correlation again.

    • Setting this parameter to 1 or -1 indicates that the target is different and the recipe will apply the offset computed from the WCS information in the image headers. In this case, the sign of this parameter indicates the relative position of A and B targets in the images: a value of 1 means that the B targets appear above the A targets in the original images, whereas -1 means that the B targets appear below the A targets.

  • vpix_region_a_target: pixel interval in the spatial direction enclosing the bright target in the A images. This should include not only the target itself but some sky region around it. Note that these numbers must be measured in the rectified and wavelength calibrated images.

  • vpix_region_a_sky: pixel interval in the spatial direction where the sky level can be estimated for the previous bright target.

  • vpix_region_b_target and vpix_region_b_sky play the same role as the previous two parameters, but for the bright B target.

  • list_valid_wvregions_a: list (python-style, between brackets) of wavelength intervals to be employed to compute the average spatial profile of the bright A target. If this parameter does not appear in the observation result file, it means that the whole spectral range will be employed. This parameter is useful when the target is only bright in some wavelength ranges, or when, for any reason, the user wants to select particular wavelength ranges.

  • list_valid_wvregions_b: this parameter is analogous to the previous one, but for the bright B target.

In order to decide appropriate values for these parameters, it is useful to examine the result of the previous reduction, overplotting the ds9 regions corresponding to the boundaries of the different slitlets:

(emir) $ ds9 obsid_abba_fast_bis_results/reduced_mos_abba.fits &
  • select scale --> zscale

  • select region --> load --> obsid_abba_fast_bis_work/ds9_boundaries_rectified.reg

The distribution tgz file of this example already generated a file in our directory tree named 3_abba.yaml. Note that in the requirements section of this file you can find the relevant parameters already set:

(emir) $ diff 3_abba_template.yaml 3_abba.yaml
<     ab_different_target: TBD
<     vpix_region_a_target: [TBD, TBD]
<     vpix_region_a_sky: [TBD, TBD]
<     vpix_region_b_target: [TBD, TBD]
<     vpix_region_b_sky: [TBD, TBD]
<     list_valid_wvregions_a: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
<     list_valid_wvregions_b: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
>     ab_different_target: 1
>     vpix_region_a_target: [41, 76]
>     vpix_region_a_sky: [67, 74]
>     vpix_region_b_target: [853, 910]
>     vpix_region_b_sky: [853, 871]
>     list_valid_wvregions_a: [ [11600, 12677], [12702, 12850] ]
>     list_valid_wvregions_b: [ [11700, 12677], [12702, 12960] ]

In this example we do not have spectra of any of the bright 4 stars in the B images. This means that although we can choose the bright star spectrum in slitlet 2 as the reference target of the A images, for the B images we must conform with the brightest (although much fainter) science target spectrum, that appears in slitlet 24. Since both reference targets are different, we must set ab_different_target to a non-zero value, which implies that the final combination of A and B spectra will be performed by using the WCS information in the image headers to determine the offset between both set of images. Finally, since B spectra appear above the A exposures, this parameter should be set to 1 (instead of -1).

(emir) $ numina run 3_abba.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

The execution time of this recipe is larger than the time required by the faster ABBA_SPECTRA_FAST_RECTWV recipe because now:

  • every single image has to be rectified and wavelength calibrated independently, prior to the determination of the relative offsets between images

  • after the offset determination (via cross-correlation) the images have to be shifted in the spatial direction (using fractions of pixels, which takes additional time)

careful combination of ABBA images (A on top of B)

Using a different rectification and wavelength calibration for each image

So far we have derived a single rectification and wavelength calibration coefficients file rectwv_coeff.json that has been applied to the 24 scientific images. However, it is possible that for long ABBA sequences, some offsets between the scientific images themselves may appear. These offsets must not be confused with the different location of the targets along the spatial direction (which are due to errors in the dithering pattern). In this case we are referring to offsets that can be detected as variations in the location of the OH lines (X direction) or in the slitlet frontiers (Y direction) when comparing different images. These variations are easy to detect (when present) making a zoom in a relatively small are of the images:

(emir) $ numina-ximshow data/0002004*fits --bbox 1180,1320,1180,1280  \
  --z1z2 0,1100 --pdffile abba_imageoffsets.pdf  \
  --keystitle ra,dec,rotang."RA: %s, DEC: %s, rotang: %5.2f"
looking for offsets between individual images

Although the previous animation does not show an apparent variation in the location of the OH lines throughout the whole ABBA sequence, we are going to illustrate here how to proceed if that were the case.

A way to confront a situation in which there are offsets between the individual images is to employ an individual rectwv_coeff.json file, specifically computed for each single scientific image.

The simple way to do it is making again use of the auxiliary script pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba:

(emir) $ pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba data/list_abba.txt \
  --step 1 \
  --refine_wavecalib_mode 12 \
  --minimum_slitlet_width_mm 1.475 \
  --maximum_slitlet_width_mm 3.0 \
  --global_integer_offset_x_pix 1 \
  --global_integer_offset_y_pix -3 \
  --outfile 1_rectwv_individual.yaml

Expected sequence pattern: ABBA
Number of sequences......: 6
Full set of images.......: ABBAABBAABBAABBAABBAABBA
--> File 1_rectwv_individual.yaml generated!

Note that we have used the script with the same parameters that we employed above to generate 1_rectwv_combined.yaml, but here we have omitted the flag --rectwv_combined. Leaving out this parameter leads to the following observation result file (that we have named 1_rectwv_individual.yaml to avoid overwritting the previous one):

  1id: _0002004226_rectwv
  2instrument: EMIR
  5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
  7  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
  8  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
  9  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
 10  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
 11  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
 12enabled: True
 14id: _0002004255_rectwv
 15instrument: EMIR
 18 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 20  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
 21  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
 22  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
 23  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
 24  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
 25enabled: True
 27id: _0002004284_rectwv
 28instrument: EMIR
 31 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 33  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
 34  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
 35  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
 36  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
 37  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
 38enabled: True
 40id: _0002004313_rectwv
 41instrument: EMIR
 44 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 46  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
 47  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
 48  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
 49  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
 50  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
 51enabled: True
 53id: _0002004342_rectwv
 54instrument: EMIR
 57 - 0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 59  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
 60  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
 61  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
 62  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
 63  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
 64enabled: True
 66id: _0002004371_rectwv
 67instrument: EMIR
 70 - 0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 72  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
 73  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
 74  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
 75  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
 76  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
 77enabled: True
 79id: _0002004400_rectwv
 80instrument: EMIR
 83 - 0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 85  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
 86  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
 87  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
 88  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
 89  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
 90enabled: True
 92id: _0002004429_rectwv
 93instrument: EMIR
 96 - 0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 98  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
 99  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
100  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
101  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
102  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
103enabled: True
105id: _0002004458_rectwv
106instrument: EMIR
109 - 0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
111  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
112  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
113  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
114  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
115  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
116enabled: True
118id: _0002004487_rectwv
119instrument: EMIR
122 - 0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
124  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
125  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
126  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
127  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
128  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
129enabled: True
131id: _0002004516_rectwv
132instrument: EMIR
135 - 0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
137  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
138  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
139  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
140  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
141  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
142enabled: True
144id: _0002004545_rectwv
145instrument: EMIR
148 - 0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
150  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
151  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
152  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
153  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
154  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
155enabled: True
157id: _0002004574_rectwv
158instrument: EMIR
161 - 0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
163  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
164  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
165  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
166  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
167  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
168enabled: True
170id: _0002004603_rectwv
171instrument: EMIR
174 - 0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
176  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
177  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
178  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
179  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
180  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
181enabled: True
183id: _0002004632_rectwv
184instrument: EMIR
187 - 0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
189  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
190  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
191  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
192  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
193  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
194enabled: True
196id: _0002004661_rectwv
197instrument: EMIR
200 - 0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
202  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
203  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
204  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
205  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
206  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
207enabled: True
209id: _0002004690_rectwv
210instrument: EMIR
213 - 0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
215  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
216  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
217  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
218  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
219  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
220enabled: True
222id: _0002004719_rectwv
223instrument: EMIR
226 - 0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
228  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
229  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
230  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
231  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
232  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
233enabled: True
235id: _0002004748_rectwv
236instrument: EMIR
239 - 0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
241  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
242  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
243  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
244  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
245  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
246enabled: True
248id: _0002004777_rectwv
249instrument: EMIR
252 - 0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
254  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
255  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
256  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
257  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
258  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
259enabled: True
261id: _0002004806_rectwv
262instrument: EMIR
265 - 0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
267  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
268  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
269  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
270  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
271  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
272enabled: True
274id: _0002004835_rectwv
275instrument: EMIR
278 - 0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
280  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
281  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
282  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
283  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
284  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
285enabled: True
287id: _0002004864_rectwv
288instrument: EMIR
291 - 0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
293  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
294  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
295  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
296  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
297  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
298enabled: True
300id: _0002004893_rectwv
301instrument: EMIR
304 - 0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
306  refine_wavecalib_mode: 12
307  minimum_slitlet_width_mm: 1.475
308  maximum_slitlet_width_mm: 3.0
309  global_integer_offset_x_pix: 1
310  global_integer_offset_y_pix: -3
311enabled: True

The new file is much larger because it contains an individual block for each individual image. The requirements parameters have the same values as those in the previous 1_rectwv_combined.yaml file. The execution of the new observation result file will logically take longer since now the reduction recipe will be executed 24 times instead of one:

(emir) $ numina run 1_rectwv_individual.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

The previous execution will have created the corresponding work and results subdirectories for each individual frame, i.e.:

  • 24 subdirectories obsid_0002004???_rectwv_work

  • 24 subdirectories obsid_0002004???_rectwv_results

The combination of all the ABBA images should now be performed using an observation result file that must contain the list of all the files rectwv_coeff.json generated within the obsid_0002004???_rectwv_work subdirectories. This file can be generated automatically using, once again, the auxiliary script pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba:

(emir) $ pyemir-generate_yaml_for_abba data/list_abba.txt \
  --step 3 --outfile 3_abba_template_individual.yaml

Note that in this case we have not employed the flag --rectwv_combined (that we used previously when generating 3_abba_template.yaml). The new observation result file 3_abba_template_individual.yaml has the following content:

 1id: _abba
 2instrument: EMIR
 5 - 0002004226-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 6 - 0002004255-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 7 - 0002004284-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 8 - 0002004313-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
 9 - 0002004342-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
10 - 0002004371-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
11 - 0002004400-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
12 - 0002004429-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
13 - 0002004458-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
14 - 0002004487-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
15 - 0002004516-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
16 - 0002004545-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
17 - 0002004574-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
18 - 0002004603-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
19 - 0002004632-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
20 - 0002004661-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
21 - 0002004690-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
22 - 0002004719-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
23 - 0002004748-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
24 - 0002004777-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
25 - 0002004806-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
26 - 0002004835-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
27 - 0002004864-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
28 - 0002004893-20190424-EMIR-STARE_SPECTRA.fits
30  pattern: ABBA
31  repeat: 1
32  list_rectwv_coeff:
33    - ../obsid_0002004226_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
34    - ../obsid_0002004255_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
35    - ../obsid_0002004284_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
36    - ../obsid_0002004313_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
37    - ../obsid_0002004342_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
38    - ../obsid_0002004371_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
39    - ../obsid_0002004400_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
40    - ../obsid_0002004429_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
41    - ../obsid_0002004458_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
42    - ../obsid_0002004487_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
43    - ../obsid_0002004516_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
44    - ../obsid_0002004545_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
45    - ../obsid_0002004574_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
46    - ../obsid_0002004603_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
47    - ../obsid_0002004632_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
48    - ../obsid_0002004661_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
49    - ../obsid_0002004690_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
50    - ../obsid_0002004719_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
51    - ../obsid_0002004748_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
52    - ../obsid_0002004777_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
53    - ../obsid_0002004806_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
54    - ../obsid_0002004835_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
55    - ../obsid_0002004864_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
56    - ../obsid_0002004893_rectwv_results/rectwv_coeff.json
57  method: sigmaclip
58  method_kwargs:
59    low: 3.0
60    high: 3.0
61  refine_target_along_slitlet:
62    npix_removed_near_ohlines: 3
63    nwidth_medfilt: 11
64    save_individual_images: 0
65    ab_different_target: TBD
66    vpix_region_a_target: [TBD, TBD]
67    vpix_region_a_sky: [TBD, TBD]
68    vpix_region_b_target: [TBD, TBD]
69    vpix_region_b_sky: [TBD, TBD]
70    list_valid_wvregions_a: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
71    list_valid_wvregions_b: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
72enabled: True

The difference between the new file 3_abba_template_individual.yaml and the previous 3_abba_template.yaml is that the requirements section now contains the keyword list_rectwv_coeff (line 32) followed by a list of the 24 locations of the individual rectwv_coeff.json files (lines 33 to 56).

Before making use of this file via numina, we have to fill the TBD parameters under the refine_target_along_slitlet block.

The distribution tgz file of this example already generated a file in our directory tree named 3_abba_individual.yaml. Note that in the requirements section of this file you can find the relevant parameters already set:

(emir) $ diff 3_abba_template_individual.yaml 3_abba_individual.yaml

< id: _abba
> id: _abba_individual
<     ab_different_target: TBD
<     vpix_region_a_target: [TBD, TBD]
<     vpix_region_a_sky: [TBD, TBD]
<     vpix_region_b_target: [TBD, TBD]
<     vpix_region_b_sky: [TBD, TBD]
<     list_valid_wvregions_a: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
<     list_valid_wvregions_b: [ [TBD, TBD], [TBD, TBD] ]
>     ab_different_target: 1
>     vpix_region_a_target: [41, 76]
>     vpix_region_a_sky: [67, 74]
>     vpix_region_b_target: [853, 910]
>     vpix_region_b_sky: [853, 871]
>     list_valid_wvregions_a: [ [11600, 12677], [12702, 12850] ]
>     list_valid_wvregions_b: [ [11700, 12677], [12702, 12960] ]

Note that, apart from the filled TBD numbers, we have also modified the first line of the observation result file to provide a different id label a avoid overwriting previous reductions:

(emir) $ numina run 3_abba_individual.yaml --link-files -r control.yaml

Finally, we can compare the result of this reduction, in which we have employed an individual rectwv_coeff.json file for each of the 24 scientific images, with the one derived using the same rectwv_coeff.json for all of them:

comparison between using single of multiple rectwv_coeff.json files

Not surprisingly, the combination obtained after using the 24 individual rectwv_coeff.json files is not very different from the one derived employing a single rectwv_coeff.json file, since there were not apparent offsets between the images. In any case, the combination with the 24 individual calibrations exhibits larger residuals at the locations of the bright airglow OH lines (the target spectra between the lines are basically unchanged). This increase in the residuals may come from the inherent errors in the wavelength calibration coefficients: even small errors in the wavelength calibration imply a slightly different resampling of the bright lines.

The conclusion of this comparison is:

  • When there are no apparent offsets between individual images, employ a single rectwv_coeff.json file.

  • When there are apparent offsets, you can:

    • Use the method described in this last section to generate an individual rectwv_coeff.json file for each image (even though you may get larger OH line residuals).

    • Segregate your ABBA blocks in different subsets (within which no apparent offsets between images are detected) and reduce each subset separately, using a single rectwv_coeff.json for each one.