Matplotlib 3 in Mac OS X
In the case of using matplotlib 3 under Mac OS X (installations starting
in 2019), in order to avoid a potential error associated to the use of
the libc++abi.dylib
library by the TkAgg backend, we recommend you to
add the following line to the $HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc
file (you
should create the file if this does not exist):
(megara) $ more $HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc
backend: TkAgg
Note that TkAgg is the default backend in Mac OS X. If you want to use alternative ones they also need to be installed, or course.
Compiling in Mac OS X 10.10 or later
Should the user be insterested in compiling part of the software on
their own, we note that in the case of the distribution of Mac OS X
10.10 or later they should include the following environment variable in
the $HOME/.bashrc
shell configuration file:
(megara) $ more $HOME/.bashrc
Bash shell
Bash shell is the default shell for using the MEGARA DRP and the megara-tools. Please, be aware that starting on Mac OS X 10.15 “Catalina” the default shell is zsh. Tests on zsh have not yet been performed to ensure its compatibility MEGARA DRP and megara-tools.